Hello! I'm Lala Croff,
a UX/UI designer
and researcher
Base in Thailand
Project Done
Worldwide Clients
5 Years
Years of Experience
99.99 %
Client Serisfaction
Application for Ordering food and tracking your calories
UX/UI design
Mobile Application
Visual design
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Website for selling furniture
UX/UI design
Mobile Application
Visual design
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Platform for selling electronic component and gadget
UX/UI design
Mobile Application
Visual design
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5 november 2018
How to work with UX designer freelance
Working with a freelance UX designer can be a rewarding experience if you approach it with clear communication and expectations. Here's a step-by-step guide to effectively work with a freelance UX designer
5 november 2018
UI Trend for 2022
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital design, staying ahead of the curve is essential for creating captivating and user-centric interfaces. As we dive into 2022, a new wave of UI trends emerges, promising to reshape the way we interact with technology. Let's explore the key trends that are set to dominate the design scene this year:
5 november 2018
Why you should do user research
In the dynamic world of design, success hinges on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of users. User research serves as the cornerstone of this endeavor, offering invaluable insights that drive informed decision-making and ultimately lead to the creation of exceptional user experiences.
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